Welcome from the Minister

Welcome to Euxton Methodist Church

It is a real privilege to welcome you to Euxton Methodist Church.

With its thriving Toddler Group on a Wednesday morning, lively Sunday School, caring Pastoral Team, Wednesday afternoon fellowship, Prayer Chain and a warm welcome, Euxton Methodist Church is place I hope you will feel a sense of belonging in.

The first, or last building in Euxton on the Wigan Road, the Chapel has been in over 120 years and continues to welcome new friends as well as familiar faces who continue to dedicate so much time and attention to making this a place where all are welcome, regardless of depth of faith, race, creed, sexuality or gender.

I am the Revd. Gordon Gresswell, who arrived in Euxton in September 2022 and have been blessed by the love and care of so many already. Please do browse the website to see all of the activities the Church is involved in and please do be in touch (g.gresswell@yahoo.co.uk) if you need more information and may God bless you.
