The group is open to anyone who would like to share a quiet hour or so on a Thursday evening from 7:30 – 8.45pm, but you don’t have to commit to every week, and if you would like to take part but can’t make it, the notes and information can be emailed or printed for you. Don’t worry if you’re sometimes delayed at work, or by family commitments, just come along when you can, find a seat, and join in!

We come together to read the Bible, share in discussions, or just sit quietly, share readings or just listen, but most importantly to share fellowship and prayerful support. We are a group of Christian friends not scholars. Our aim is to learn from each other and always to remember to move on when we don’t have answers, to be patient when the technology doesn’t work, and to keep smiling at our mistakes as we journey through God’s wonderful, but sometimes puzzling words and world.
Most studies last 4-5 weeks but sometimes we combine them or alter them to suit the season and church events. John Birch’s studies are wonderful, challenging and interesting and include prayers and ‘something to think about’. We’ve followed sessions on well-loved hymns, including Amazing Grace, How Great Thou Art, and O Little Town of Bethlehem, as well as some focusing on our faith journey and books of the Bible. We have also shared longer studies including E100, sampled readings and studies from Genesis to Revelation, John Bunyon’s Pilgrims Progress, and The Shack by William Young. These are great resources as they can be easily found on the web and provide inspiration and sometimes controversial messages.
If you’d like to find out more or come to a House Group meeting, please contact Lydia Goodliffe on – 07752 747263 – or email her c/o Church Secretary by using the “Get in touch” page by clicking here.