Bible Study

The Bible is full of wonderful words, stories and material that guides or lives as Christians.

To help us improve our understanding of the meaning and messages contained in the Bible, we have occasional Bible study classes in church where the Minister leads discussions on particular Books or themes. Details about our next studies will be published in the Family News and the Diary section of this website.

From time to time the House Group also looks at a Biblical theme and explores interpretations from well known theologians. Check the Diary for details.

Rather than joining in a group discussion sometimes its good to undertake some private study. For those of us who prefer to do so we will include a link below to on-line material that provides a good source of information.

You may also like to join in the Circuit’s on-line workshops on the book of Ruth – The Many-Layered Riches of Ruth. See the Circuit website for details.

Whatever way you want to add to your understanding of the Bible, we hope you find the above ideas helpful.