Church Property
The Church Council has appointed a Property Committee to manage and advise on all property related matters. This means the Property Committee provides support, guidance and assistance to the Church Council on all premises, grounds, health & safety and environmental issues. The Committee meets at least twice each year to consider property issues, and the bookings and lettings of church premises.
The premises are inspected annually by a local inspector to record the condition and maintenance requirements, and at five yearly intervals (Quinquennial Inspections) by an independent professional property inspector arranged by our Circuit. The Committee considers the findings of these reports and prepares action plans for consideration and approval by the Church Council who agree budgets.
Following approval, the Committee actions the work and reports progress to the Church Council. In addition to planned maintenance work, the Committee ensures that cyclical inspections/servicing are carried-out to equipment such as gas boilers etc.
Appropriate specialist contractors are engaged to carry-out planned maintenance and cyclical inspections and servicing. However, volunteers keep the premises clean internally and externally and carry-out some maintenance tasks e.g. cleaning windows, cleaning out gutters, manholes, etc. Some Church members with specialist skills voluntarily undertake maintenance and improvement works, therefore saving the Church labour costs. Willing volunteers are always needed and welcomed.
Committee members also carry-out periodic Health & Safety and Fire Safety Audits and Risk Assessments to comply with legislation. These are subsequently endorsed by the Church Council.
Bookings and Lettings
The Church encourages community use of its buildings, but priority is given to church services and activities. A significant proportion of church income is generated by lettings. The Church Council has approved a ‘Bookings and Lettings Policy & Conditions for use of Church Premises’ and has delegated responsibility for implementing and managing these to the Bookings Secretary. The Church Hall is available for one-off bookings e.g. parties, wedding and funeral refreshments etc or for regular licensed classes.
Please see the Hall Bookings page to download a Booking form. Copies of all
documents and Terms of Reference are available from the Church Secretary.